Final Double Page Spread for Camp Sappho Zine.

Camp Sappho is a for-charity zine focusing on the girls in the Greek and Roman camps in the Riordanverse, both in canon settings and AU settings.
The zine will mostly celebrate wlw relationships, focusing also on sexual orientations, different headcanons, gender identity, fun quizzes, articles, and short stories.More:
This zine will be both a physical and digital zine with around 80 pages of content and additional physical merch. 

We will be donating all proceeds to Rainbow Railroad, a global charity that helps LGBTQ+ people escape state-sponsored persecution in their country.

Spread Artist.
I had a pretty strong Idea of what I wanted for this piece before I even started. As a child there wasn't any representation for Asexual people, so I turned to Mythology, the story of Artemis, an asexual goddess, turning a man, whom was creepily gazing over her washing under the waterfall, into a boar - was inspired. I wanted to use this tale, but have the main focus being on Thalia and Reyna, in love, lost in conversation.  
Originally I played with Purples and pinks to submerge the image, representing both the Asexual and Lesbian flags, however it made everything feel cold, which is really not the feeling I wanted to connote. I decided to go with warmer colour's, the main focuses of the women will represent the communities, and I brought the palette into the image with the flag and the clothing.  
As you can see Thalia's face changed. The more I rendered the original, the more I knew it was wrong, however I hit a block, as as you can see, this is not the one. I wanted to keep it real and show my development, and I never want to give up. 
As you can see the expression of Thalia is a lot more subtle, definitely a less obvious choice - but fitting for me, I tend to get lost in peoples eyes, and that's how I saw this piece. 
I wanted the final to feel ethereal, and I think (hope) I was close. 
(The final isn't yet printed, so I cant show the final image in action)

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